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Refund Policy

When you return an item, your refund amount and refund method may vary. Check the payment method refunded and the status of your refund in Your Orders.

Where Is My Refund?

Check the status of your refund in Your Orders.

How Long Do Refunds Take After I Return An Item?

When returning an item, you have the option to choose your preferred refund method in the Online Returns Center.

It can take up to 30 days for us to receive and process your return. When we complete processing your return, we
issue a refund to the selected payment method.

You can stay on top of your returns by tracking them in Your Orders.

Refund Times

Once we issue your refund, it takes additional time for your financial institution to make funds available in your

The timeframe for receiving your refund is determined by your payment method:

  1. Credit card: From 5-7 business days. If it takes longer, you can contact your Bank to get more information.
  2. Debit card: Up to 10 business days. If it takes longer, you can contact your Bank to get more information.
  3. PayPal/Stripe: Usually takes 24 hours from the moment your request is processed.
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